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  • How old do you have to be to order from Booz Box?
    If you order from you are representing to Booz Box that you are at least 21 years of age and that the person to whom it is being shipped is also at least 21 years of age. An adult signature will be REQUIRED upon delivery. Title to all items in your order is assigned to you as soon as it leaves our doors; it is up to you to know the significant laws in your state.
  • Which states can you ship to?
    We are prohibited from shipping to the following states: Alabama Kentucky Illinois Louisiana Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Pennsylvania Utah FedEx does NOT ship to P.O. boxes but does ship to all residential and business addresses. ​ Smirnoff Ice can be shipped anywhere in the US.
  • After I place my order, when will the package be delivered?
    Most orders ship within 2-4 business days. In rare circumstances, we may encounter shipping delays, and in those cases, we will notify you by email. Once your shipment leaves our facility, it is in the hands of the shipping service. An adult signature will be REQUIRED upon delivery or your package will not be delivered. All orders are shipped via FedEx Ground with delivery to business addresses between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and an average transit time of 3-5 days.
  • What if no one is available to receive the package?
    It is the Customer's responsibility to be present at the time of delivery to provide an adult signature. If an adult is not available to sign for the delivery, a second attempt to deliver will be made. Whenever possible, we encourage you to use a commercial business address to ensure the fastest delivery time. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, your order will be returned to Booz Box. The Customer will be required to incur the cost of shipping and handling, regardless of the Customer deciding to cancel the order.
  • What about Returns?
    Booz Box will always do our best to serve you. Should you encounter a problem with your order, please contact us immediately. No refunds or returns will be granted except in the event of a broken or damaged item. If you have further question regarding our return policy, please visit our Shipping and Delivery page for more information.
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